I do not want  ,in  this article , to be boring by giving all the encyclopaedic data which exists in cosmogony... The great controversy, since many years now,  is the reality of the famous Big-Bang... I advise the reader who  would like to refresh his knowledge on the item,to  ask  "google " about "  galaxies and quasars "... He’ll be amazed by the choice which will be offered to him...

Today, in fact, all the theories which have supported the big-bang are to be re-examined. Famous specialists have being dealing with that problem for many years... Those

 who have read my article " Astronomy "already know Halton Arp and Eric J Lerner  . The french/english   Web site of Bernard Lempel, of which I give the references at the end, will introduce  you to other opponents with the Big-bang.... I can only walk humbly on their traces by underlining some " new ideas " which result from my work.




First of all, in any study,I say well " any ",one finds even  a trace of  Kervran ’s  transnsmutations by weak energy... Is it because  the theory of the big-bang, still called standard theory, affirms that the elements, especially the lightest ones, were created definitively a  little of time after the beginning of the big-bang ?....

The transmutations  by  weak energy discovered by Kervran from the very start of decade 1950 come to contradict this assertion. The many experiments made by Kervran and his disciples  prove it . The only experiment of CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research in France), carried out according to a protocol given by Kervran, shows that the partisans of the big-bang are in the error... Chromium  is formed in a   pyrope rock ,  from iron ,inside  the Earth's crust ,and even at  present times.... This experiment is irrefutable  .  You will find it detailed in my book in the chapter on " the effect K " (or " Kervran effect ")... This only contribution would be enough to ruin the standard theory. Is it for this reason that  professor Kervran ’s works do not know the notoriety  they deserve ?

Kervran proved that the creation of the elements is continuous .He proved that the big-bang was not a highly reliable theory... He has been “ forgotten " by the pontiffs of official science... We will see in this article, as we  have already seen it in the formation of  basalte(Ca transmutes  into Fe), how much  transmutations by  weak energy are essential to explain certain important problems of cosmogony.




In my previous article entitled " Why is EARTH getting worse and worse?  ", in this site, I ‘ve shown the great similarity of the solar  and planetary systems.... They both have a  gravitational system resulting from antagonism between core and baby-cores  and I will briefly expose in this study, the various phases  in maximum of stellar (or solar) activity,as well as in  planet  and, of course, in galactic activity... I’ve called the two first the " MAS " and the " MAP" ,and now we’ll discover the " MAG " or maximum of galactic activity.

The " MAS " appears by the appearance of increasingly many spots on the Sun, and of many solar storms due to the creation, within the mantle, of several antagonistic baby-cores  which cause an inversion of the magnetic field.

The rupture of this magnetic field, at the end of the”MAS”, will give what I “ve called the " jerks " or polar matter jets. Most beautiful polar projections were observed in April 1894(  see my book p.44).

Let us pass to the " MAP " now. It appears by the appearance of notable changes on our planet Le disastrous phenomenon of El Nino in the Pacific is the first sign... It is also the alarm clock of the volcanicity and the earthquakes in mediterranean  latitudes.(Greece, Turkey , Algeria , Japan... etc...).

When the two antagonistic under-cores interact to give an inversion of the magnetic field , it is the diving of the plates of the Southern hemisphere towards the plates of the Northern hemisphere ( as in 1985 at the time of the earthquake of Mexico.).This phase is important in the MAS where it gives enormous sunspots .

But, in the MAG, it could explain the phase of absorption of the matter surrounding the black hole or galactic core, as we will further see it....

At the end of the MAP, rupture of the magnetic field and Jerk just like in the Sun, with, however,  different effects according to the solid or gas nature of  planet. The solid planets will grow rich especially in lava thus in rocks in the Northern hemisphere (hence the birth of Island.)... The gas planets will eject gas matters by the North Pole and " spin " the rings which surround them... I’ve described this phase in my article " why  is EARTH getting worse and worse?".

All the satellites ejected by solid or gas planets will evolve according to this process of the MAP. Their thorough study will have to necessarily hold account of it.




And we arrive at the " MAG ".... It is still there a phenomenon which has  never been studied by holding account of its similarity with the MAS and the MAP... And however this similarity exists..

In 2003, astronomers agree to give to galaxy  a  central core more or less active and  a  peripheral mantle more or less diversified and important, hence the variety of galaxies... It’s  the core which is interesting because, as in our sun or in our planet ,it is the engine of the system. It is what is called the black hole or massive black hole ... It is  an extremely dense structure of a plasma which one is still unaware of the exact nature and having such a number of revolutions that it  seems close the speed of the light !

All the galaxies and all the quasars seem inhabited by this fantastic structure. This massive black hole is surrounded by an accretion disc formed of stars and of  intragalactic gas matter... I think that this core is not a single structure . It must, to be so energetic, made at least of a driving core and two antagonistic baby-cores, like the central part of our planet . It is the interaction between these antagonistic parts at speeds close to that of the light which gives an exceptional gravitational field.

At the beginning of June 2003, after the drafting of this article,in seeking illustrations, I had the pleasant  surprise to find an article by Bernard Lempel, on his site, which consolidates me on this idea of a similar central system to that of an alive planet... I highly invite you to consult the following article :



When the galaxy enters its phase of maximum of activity it becomes active. It is the case of the young  galaxies  called galaxies of Seyfert These galaxies have been well studied by Halton Arp and  he has  detected around them a sometimes impressive quantity of quasars.

When the galaxy arrives at the top of its MAG,  there is creation of a reverse intense magnetic field , the phase of absorption of the accretion disc starts. Just like on our planet where one notes,at this phase, that  the new magnetic field created makes literally rock the Southern plates towards the Northen plates  (according to the law of Foucault discovered in 1854!). In a galaxy this phenomenon resembles an enormous structure in vortex which " swallows " the surrounding matter just like a fantastic valve of sewer ! At the end of the MAG, the rupture of the magnetic field causes a polar ejection of plasma  that will form stars... When the baby-cores reach a  critical mass,it is a planar ejection or birth of a quasar  Just like in stars or planets, two quite different ejections.


Figure 1 : Extraordinary jet of radiosource (radiowavelengths) coming from the spiral galaxy 0313-192, collected by " Hubble Space Telescope "

CREDIT:Hubble Deep Field team  (STScl) and NASA.

                                                        SOURCE : " "







We have seen that the end of the MAS and of the MAP occurs when there is rupture of the magnetic field. There is an important matter ejection by poles;it is still exactly what occurs in a  galaxy . Splendid photographs have been taken these last times showing  galaxies and  quasars which eject two immense jets of  matter . I think that it is at this stage that stars are born  . One finds young star swarms around the core of a galaxy or of a quasar and  these stars are made of sodium(Na) .It is very important. It shows that the process of formation of gas planets at the time of a nova and that I proposed in my book is very valid ! Sodium plays a very important part in creation....




One could even also validly explain the enigma of  the famous "  redshift " or distance of the quasars and the galaxies. It is one of the subjects most disputed since tens of years. Nobody thought that this redshift could be due to the nature of the plasma which forms the quasar. This plasma is undoubtedly primarily composed of sodium. It is the transformation by weak energy of this sodium into nitrogen and  hydrogen (Na = N+H4 or  11protons = 7 protons +4 protons) which causes the reduction in the redshift . The quasar grows  more and more rich with  an atmosphere made up of nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia ,hence the changes  the astronomers note when observing the quasars.The more the quasar moves away from the core of the galaxy-mother the more the redshift decreases The redshift is directly related to the rate of transmutation of the ejected matter and to the speed and undoubtedly to the  rotation of the matter globule ejected... Thus, the redshift  does not translate the distance which separates us from the quasar observed...While growing old , the quasar acquires an increasingly heterogeneous halo of matter  and this by transmutations  by weak  energy. It will pass thus by the various stages of galaxies which one observes and will become an adult galaxy.

Once more I have just shown that science would have to gain while studying the transmutations by weak energy of Kervran . In geology,in biology,in astronomy... all is to be re-examined under the angle of the transmutations by weak energy or " effect Kervran  ".... To ignore the transmutations by weak energy is to  refuse  our Humanity the right to progress... And it is what we mostly need if we want to survive....


        BIRTH Of A QUASAR....


The MAS, the MAP and the MAG end after repetitions of this maximum of activity in an explosive laying of under-cores. When the latter reach a critical mass, a last rupture of the magnetic field and the  calefactory explosion of one or several under-cores cause the expulsion of one or several under-cores. I gave , in my book , detailed explanations of the laying of planets and of the birth of our Moon....In  a galaxy there is a similar process and it is the ejection of a quasar. This process of laying is very frequent in the galaxies of Seyfert. It is observed that some of them are surrounded by several quasars and even by several tens of quasars. Halton Arp underlines this fact on page 42 of its book " Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science " :

" By the 1980’s, I had produced strong  statistical evidence  that  quasars were in excess density around younger companions and active galaxies .. ".

He even  has shown that one of them, the galaxy of Seyfert NGC 1097, is surrounded of forty quasars( page 43). This proliferation does not have anything astonishing since we find it in our solar system 2003,  astronomers grant to Jupiter  about sixty satellites !!!...  One of  Arp’s discoveries gave place to great controversies in the world of the astronomers, it is that of the couple of galaxies NGC 4319/Marcarian 205. There too it is still Lempel which makes of it a relevant study  which you’ll find , with one of the photographs treated of the famous couple,on his remarkable web-site below :


Figure 2                 

                                                 NGC 4319 /Marcarian 205

Source :




To conclude , we should admit that the process of explosive laying that I propose explains this proliferation much better than any other ation.... My assumption of a continuous creation based on  observations is much more credible than that of the Big-bang. There are several hundreds of billion galaxies in our  universe.They are grouped in clusters or superclusters. Our galaxy or Milky Way forms part of the local cluster including about thirty galaxies... That suggests the existence of a " mother " galaxy which would have laid about thirty quasars there is billion years in the past. Just like our eight planets have been laid ,by two  successive novae, there are three or four billion years, by our Sun. It is still and always Continuous  Creation....


Abscon... June 2003


