Hundreds of photos  !!!






PROOF[on the 24th of march-2003]

     The last sentences I’ve given in this chapter (Space-flights) have found an extraordinary proof from to (12/3/2003)

Thanks to Marty Sheedy,director of

Here’s his article:

                      Space centre to screen 'proof of UFOs'


Images claiming to be proof of alien UFOs will be shown to members of the public at the National Space Centre later this month.


Hundreds of the objects were captured on film by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (Soho), a spacecraft a million miles from Earth observing the sun.


The glowing, saucer-shaped "craft" were apparently moving in a way that suggested intelligent control.


Nasa originally dismissed the images as being the result of a camera fault, and will not now comment on them.


But UFO investigators are convinced they are spacecraft flown by aliens.


Mike Murray, 54, a founder of the UFO group Euroseti, which is holding the exhibition at the Space Centre in Leicester, said: "Some of the pictures are real crackers. They are the archetypal flying saucers - disc-shaped objects with some kind of glow around them. Many have a pulsing light and leave a trail behind them."


Mr Murray, who has been interested in UFOs for 30 years, obtained the images from a Spanish businessmen who picked them up from Soho using a giant satellite dish at his home outside Barcelona.


Mr Murray said: "The first thing we did when we got the images was to speak to Nasa, who said it was a camera fault. But by enhancing the images we proved this wasn't the case."


He said Nasa then suggested the objects could be asteroids or comets - but this did not explain the way they appeared to move independently and make turns.


The images will be screened at the National Space Centre on the evenings of January 24, 25 and 26.(2003).


   The attitude of  NASA reminds that of Lavoisier and of the French Academy of Science in 1792 denying the existence of meteorites...And they guide the progress of human thoughts!!!



        Nasa’s answer!!!

June 25, 2003, in "", an article of Jean Etienne announces the stop of SOHO for... repairs... .It’s simply another Nasa’s lie : they will remove the proofs  that I’ve presented above.. The reader will be able to enrich his anthology of the lie by consulting this article on:



