-4- About Space flights. 

Today, the question is not any more to know from where these meteorites come from... the true question is:" where do  these fireballs come from?.. .where do those ETs  come from   ?... I 've found two interesting hints which show us that these " visitors from space", according to an expression by Flammarion, undoubtedly come from the neighbouring stellar systems .First I 'll recall to the reader of my book an observation which should interest the ufologists of North and South  Americas, and which I give in page 83: 

" Humboldt and Bonpland, joint authors of the famous< Voyage to the equinoctial areas >, who were in Cumana(Venezuela) on November 12,in 1799, report that between two and four o'clock in the morning the sky was furrowed by innumerable  luminous streaks, which crossed without delay, from North to South, the celestial vault.One would have imagined to see a brilliant  fireworks situated at an immense height: large fireballs, having sometimes an apparent diameter of once and once a quarter of  the Moon;melted their trajectories to the long luminous and phosphorescent bands of shooting stars... ( by Amédée Guillemin, p.602, already quoted). 

This incredible observation was not hitherto studied,and it is a pity.....It brings the certainty to us that these fireballs do not come always separately on our planet.In this case, it is a whole civilization that was into migration.They undoubtedly came from our northen neighbour stars;Alpha -Centaur in particular which is made of three grouped stars.  Why didn't they delay on our planet?  To fly undoubtedly  towards  the stars located at the South of our Sun.The observation of Humboldt and Bonpland is precise:from North  to South....

These stars belong to the same brood that our Sun, therefore born at the same time.They have,just like our Sun,  gaseous planets and solid planets, and among these last ones ,  habitable planets and...inhabited ones . The same for our neighbours from the East and from the West!  And it is still Flammarion who gives  an event  which confirms this possibility.At the end of his chapter about comets, he speaks about a fireball  which was very well observed at the time of its passage: 

" On September 5,in 1868,at 8h 30 in the evening, an enormous fireball, moving East to West, crossed Austria and France. According to the calculations of M.Tissot, based on many observations, the fireball was at its shortest distance from the Earth at 111km height to the zenith of Belgrade(Serbia), flew one second later, at 112km from there,to the zenith of Oukova(Slavonia), 4 seconds later at 340km further,to the zenith of Laybach(Carniole), at a height of 126 km ;ten seconds later at 862km to the zenith of Saulieu (Cote d'Or),at 242km of altitude ;three seconds later ,at a distance of 1493 km, its speed was of 79 km per second, and it had had to arrive near Neptune on September 2,in 1866 ,with an initial speed of 68 km... the fireball arrived from infinite and went back there... "

Once more the explanations of Flammarion are luminous, and he finishes by these words:"Those bodies belong neither to the shooting star swarms, nor to the cometary orbits, nor to the planetary system... "He also specifies that certain fireballs " almost crossed the solar system in straight line ".He confirms that,sometimes, the visitors from space do not stop on our Earth.Some Ufos land to take there the fuel which we have spoken about:  the chalk of the underwater calcareous platforms ... Other ones come to study us, but especially to supervise us because, since the atomic bomb, we are  very dangerous neighbours...But some spaceships do not stop and slip by towards the South or North, or towards the West or East.Those civilisations are  extraordinarily mobile and their world knows an infinity of destinations and an infinity of  interstellar travels  .That's something we can hardly imagine ;we can do the same things ,et we know a similar situation on our planet, but only by car or by plane ; we are just like flea-beetles comparing to the extraterestrial giants.And, of course, " our astronomers " see nothing passing, in spite of the enormous material  they possess ...They just try to contact outer space civilisation  but they don't see the civilisations that are visiting our little world... What an enormous    Hypocrisy... Poor Humanity!!! ( see the chapter:Hundreds of proofs.  )


