An extraordinary fireball over 1857 december27th !!!!


The true story of Venus??




1 -  Venus birth. 

2 -  Venus mythology. 

3 -  Velikovsky’s myth. 

4 -   The Great Amnesics. 

5 -  References. 


1 -  Venus birth. 


Venus is not any more the mysterious planet of last times. In 2004, after explorations of the Russian space probes then American, one can say that it is the  best studied planet of our solar system.  But I will not output here tens of pages which the reader will easily find on the Web by typing " the Venus planet " in Google ;I leave him the pleasure of his discoveries....  It is by taking again the process of laying planets by " nova " that I will more logically explain the faults of our beautiful neighbor. 

Venus seems well a twin sister of our Earth.  Their dimensions are almost identical and the nature and the density of the rocks are also very similar:  they are basalts, volcanic rocks , forming the surface of Venus crust that is covered with hundreds of thousands of hardly extinct volcanos... Hence undoubtedly the extreme heat of its atmosphere:  approximately 470°...  These last hints are in favour of a laying of globules of plasma composed of carbon monoxide which evolved as I’ve showed in my book, but with a certain slowness inside our  hot neighbor.  Let us pass immediately to my theory of laying of planets by the explosive phenomenon called NOVA.  It is a current phenomenon observed per tens in our galaxy and in close galaxies... I’ ve described its process  in my book and I request the reader to refer to it.  Our Sun knew its first nova at the time of the laying of the gas planets... Then it had the system  that our astronomers discover today when they find  " exo-planets " orbiting close to their mother-star... I present below an image  which is more lisible(figure 1). 





- Picture1 or first solar NOVA   


First of all I must specify that it is only a composed image  and that in reality the giant planets are born naked, just like you or me;they will lay then their satellites and will create their rings as I’ve already described ....All this is a  natural and continuous process... All this of more logical and more clear than the confused explanations given by official astronomy.  When second Nova explodes, these planets are expelled towards the outside of the solar system and the satellites already born also will undergo this shock wave, hence their abnormal  present rotation... Official astronomy has NEVER presented a clear explanation to explain this fault....

Picture 2:our Sun just before its second NOVA....


Explanations :  The southern and twin under-core of Mars explodes and

expels MARS.  The southern and twin under-core of the Earth explodes

and expels our Earth and VENUS.  At the end of the nova, there is

expulsion of MERCURY. 


Picture 3 :our present solar system .(beyond

Pluto, it is the field of the belt of Kuiper and, within nearly one

light-year, the domain of Oorst.)-[ millions of asteroïdes ! ]








(In the preceding site, you will find  marvellous images of Venus and of

other planets :just click on the planet of your choice !)

And everybody is present now!!!.. Pluton is not a planet but the first satellite of Neptune.....It has even the privilege to lay its small moon which is Charon... The millions of meteorites which initially form the belt of Kuiper and the domain of Oorst are only the vestiges of the millions of asteroids which surrounded our Sun in its youthful state as"  planetary nebulae"... the shock waves of both novae push them forwards to the borders of the present solar system. 

Accretion has never existed... :this process exists only on the level of the black holes of

the galaxies where fantastic energies clash... Anything of all that does not appear around a  young star or nebulae planetary...  The present Solar System can only  be explained by the explosive phenomena of the novae   confirmed by

the observations....  To continue to affirm that it is the "miraculous accretion  " which generates planets appears as  a bad joke....But anything is good to support the obviously

staggering theory of Big-Bang !

  Let us return to our Venus planet.

It has a retrograde  rotation, contrary to the other solid planets... A simple glance on picture 2 shows us that it has kept the

rotation which it had within the solar mantle.  We find the same fault in gas planets with Uranus...This is an additional argument for  two solar novae  which would undoubtedly have occurred with one or two billion years of interval under very similar conditions... I showed in my book that the first  planets are gas planets  because the globules of plasma of the first nova were made of sodium... the second nova ejecting carbon monoxide globules... All that is also in conformity with the observations... Once more  everything  can be explained ...

Two  important points  - 1:the absence of magnetism on Vénus .It is

simply due to the very weak axial rotation of this  planet;   when

the axial rotation of a core is high, one finds a high magnetic field or

gravitational field and sometimes it is even intense as in pulsars or

the black holes... Very very interesting !!!(see my diagram of the

gravitational engine in my book !!!).

                                      -2 :the millions of volcanos on

Venus prove, after the discovery of the thousands of always active

volcanos on Io and Triton, that the planets as well as the satellites

undergo a significant volcanicity during almost all their existence.

 The volcanos of the Moon and those of Mars are not craters dug by

meteorites... Where  are those millions of meteors which would have made these

ravages ???  I note that my assumption of the calefaction and end of

calefaction, which would be the cause of this volcanicity, is confirmed by

these observations !!!

2- Venus Mythology.   Pict.. 4




Among Greeks, she had been born from the scum of the floods, hence her name, Aphrodite, (Venus among Romans), after the mutilation of Ouranos by Cronos.  In another legend, she would have been born from the loves of  Zeus( roman Jupiter) with Dione.. This second legend is interesting because this birth would have been done out of the cranium of Zeus(Jupiter ), as for Athena according to the legend which follows.  Zeus had put pregnant a mortal, Metis, but, to avoid the anger of his wife to her, swallowed her mistress.  A few times later, he felt atrocious headaches .  He called Hephaïstos(god of fire) and asked him to split cranium to him.  The god blacksmith did it and out of the open cranium of Zeus appeared Athena, very equipped in behaviour with warlike and already adult.  Athena becomes Minerve among Romans... You said " Minerve "? What comes to make this apparatus put around the neck to maintain the head right?  Traditionally, it was a white plaster sheath... And it is here that we find an exceptional hint which shows us that these legends are actually a coding of chemists... I ‘ll explain....  In a very old alchemical process, one takes a compound of gold and of tin(symbolized by Jupiter) which one treats by a  particular solvent(Métis) to obtain a particular crystal which allows, by projection on a base metal, to transmute it into gold... This extraordinary crystal is formed after a 3 days cooking and increase in heat to the 3 rd  day( hence Héphaîstos);  the compound forms a sublimated white substense in the collar of the bottle and crystallizes at the bottom: it is Athéna who leaves, very armed, her father’s cranium....  Very armed because having  immediately the property to transmute the base metals... It is not the case for other stones obtained by other processes;  these last ones must undergo an enrichment in gold called " fermentation "...But, you will think, how can one pass from the religious field to the scientific field which is chemistry? YOU must be aware  that, since the most remote times, the priests were the great " initiates " of the mother of sciences or alchemy.

Berthelot, founder of the organic chemistry in the 19 th  century, has  made a very thorough study on the Greek and Arab alchemists...  He especially quotes an old text which is luminous for what I advance:  "

Moreover, Olympiodore will write later ( 5th cent.  A-C.)      


" All the kingdom of Egypt, ô woman, is supported by three arts:  the art of the convenient things;  the art of nature and  the art to treat the ores.  It is art called divine, i.e. dogmatic art for all those who deal with handling and with these honourable arts that one calls four (arts the) chemical ones (this divine art) teaching what it is necessary to do, was revealed with the priests alone... when a priest or what one called wise, explained the things which he had received in heritage  of his ancestors, ..., he did not communicate it without reserve...  In the same way also... the craftsmen appointed with the operations made by the way of fire, as those who had the knowledge of the washing of the ore and the continuation of the operations, did not work for themselves, but were charged to increase the royal treasures (...) .It was a law among Egyptians that nobody would reveal these written things."  


Berthelot " Collection, III " "                    

But what Berthelot does not say, it is that this secret knowledge was revealed since the  most remote times  in the form of legendary stories (Homere: Iliade and Odyssea), or in symbolic systems of gods and goddesses... The folklore(gold of the people) of all the countries, since the oldest times, is carrying the priceless secrecies of " crowned science " or alchemy, which is a very old science but especially a  very coded science...I am not allowed to reveal some of the mysteries that I’ve decoded after about thirty three years of research in alchemy... All that I want to show  is that it is a terrible error to take these writings of our old for  an “astronomical " or " historical " code ...  What Velikovsky did, as we will see  in the following chapter. 



3 –Velikovsky’s myth....


      Velikovsky, psychiatrist of Russian origin, graduate of the university of Moscow, of Edinburgh, former pupil of Henri Bergson, fellow traveller of Einstein (they have founded the review Scripta Universitatis), emigrated in the United States, published in 1950 a book which, since, does not cease making waves:  " Worlds in collision ".  Presenting data resulting from paleontology, Egyptology,  Assyriology and the Bible... it supported that our Earth had known, in a recent past, planetary cataclysms: 

- Venus arrival in the solar system, after its ejection by Jupiter, towards 3000 B.C. 

- near-collision of the Earth and Mars towards 1500 B.C.... all this accompanied with earthquakes and floods which would have been transcribed by our ancestors

in the Bible when they speak, for example, of the " 7 plagues of Egypt... " or when Plato describes the catastrophic disappearance of Atlantis....


In short,he has  , by his writings,  renewed a  several centuries old theory : Catastrophism. 

However, he had precursors of whom he is without any doubt inspired... In 1927  a German Jesuit, Franz.X.Kugler, publishes already a remarkable book:  " Sibillinischer Sterncampfund Phaethon in naturgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung " or " the Sybilline battle of stars and Phaeton... regarded as history authenticates " This scholar had passed his life to decipher wedge-shaped writings and he deduces from them that the assyrians and the babylonians transmitted to us important astronomical data .He writes that a heavenly object that he calls " similar to the Sun " is put into orbit around Venus towards 1500  B.C and  caused the catastrophes reported by the writings of this time (to confer Picture 5 below).... Velikovsky, who had read  the work of Kugler (he quotes it in his bibliography) innovates by transforming this association of a heavenly object with Venus by the expulsion of Venus out of Jupiter and its wandering around Earth and Mars until 1500 before J.C.  He translates  in this way certain passages of the Bible... I'  ve shown in the previous chapter that he has interpreted these writings in an erroneous way and that actually, the fabulous Venus birth gave the coding of an alchemical process in which tin or Jupiter was transformed into a  quite as fabulous  crystal...(Venus...). Nobody  has, hitherto, emitted this thesis.... 

In the beginning of the 20 th  century, Hörbiger, a German pseudo-scientist, had already published his book:  " The four moons " He has had a certain success in Germany and in Austria until the beginning of the years 1930... His ideas became the " bible " of Nazi scientific propaganda .  Its assumption based on the capture by the Earth of  four successive moons during the geological eras and their destruction progressively with their appearance did not have any scientific base... Any  reader eager to know more  will find other ideas belonging to the catastrophic theories of this beginning of the 20th century:Sirius... Dogons... etc... And a question comes  to my mind :why all these theories have not known this sudden blaze of criticisms and of passion  Velikovsky’s book has known...??? We must think that it happened in 1950, i.e. a little time after the famous observation of Arnold and the quickly contradicted noise of the Roswell 1947....  American people was getting   more interested by this phenomenon(ufology)... It was necessary to find a derivative... and it was the Velikovsky pseudo-scandal, undoubtedly orchestrated without his knowledge by some very high persons... And as the fish bites well one  has made  the Velikovsky business last during nearly one half-century...  " Velikovsky Myth "has made a  marvelous work .A whole organization took care that it could  go on: an official big armada versus a team of velikovskians well organized ... in short, the made-to-order of the American sporting championships....  Astronomy has not  gained  in all that mess and ufology even less... But, wasn't that the goal of the operation??? 

Picture  5. Cataclysm and Mythology in Egypt....

.Sekhmet Fire has burnt the countries of the 9th Circle...(Northen Europe).



Every thing has been published about this affair except , of course, that Velikovsky has made us take bladders for lanterns by presenting  Venus as expelled by Jupiter , whereas it was  allegorical account coding an alchemical process... It is a process of coding which was used by the initiates during thousands of  years.... I think that Velikovsky was  aware of it at one time of his research... Why had he persevered so much in the catastrophism? 

Another fact is worrying, it is the complete silence  he makes about the meteorites, phenomenon largely discussed in the 19th century... My readers know how admirably Flammarion has developed of these " stones which fall from the sky "... And, since his conclusion seems so difficult to swallow  for all these Messrs of the official truth as well as for Velikovsky and his supporters, I replace it again: 

"  Where do the aerolites come from?  Their identity with the fireballs is not doubtful any more since any fall of aerolite comes from a  fireball. "

In the 19th century, every year,one or several fireballs appear in the sky, pour in a thunderous noise a rain of meteorites, then  go away... And nobody do speak about it in the 20th century... Don’t  you find that astonishing ???



And guess a little which is the book  whose publication is  announced  everywhere in France in 2003??? Just have a look on the left...

Yes, “The Book” has been  translated into French!!!


But another book, thousand times more serious and significant for astronomy, written in English, will not be translated into French and published in France, it is the last book by Halton Arp  that I ‘ve already presented in my articles:  " Seeing Red... "...  Inquisition...has never been suppressed!!!!. 





4 –The  Great Amnesics:      . 


In connection with books, biographers of Einstein tell that this last one, although very related to Velikovsky, has always remained enough skeptic as for  the planetary theories  by Velikovsky... However, when he learns that his assumption on the Jupiter magnetic field is confirmed by astronomers, he reads again " The worlds in collision "... Eight days later, he dies... leaving this book open on his bedside table.

It is there a beautiful story which I quote especially to show that nothing is left on side by the medias to tenderize the reader, or to better deceive him  .... The reader is free to buy what he wants, but if he wants to learn more on the catastrophism, I recommend to him to consult :1-the book by Flammarion which is given on the web( see " References " at the foot of the page.) 

                                                  2- a book extraordinarily more serious, written by a French astronomer,and which, moreover, is published FREE on the Web....A part is translated in English.



Picture 6 :Site of Michel-Alain COMBES 



Fig.6 :Site de Michel-Alain COMBES





THE THREAT from the SKY....


Michel-Alain Combes offers a priceless gift... I read and read again his extraordinarily rich and enthralling articles;  but I however will make him a large reproach... In his chapter on the meteorites, not only one word on the work of Flammarion.  How such a serious astronomer can literally gum the work quite as serious and worthy of interest of another astronomer?  It is there a behavior which I cannot excuse....And this is why I see myself obliged, with great regret, to classify Mr Combes among the skewer of the Great Amnesics that I present in this article.... 


By listening on to the radio (France culture), one Saturday afternoon of this December, I still heard the magus of astronomy in France:Hubert Reeves(picture 7?)Source:


[ clic right to have the image! ] 

Once more Mr Reeves made us travel in the heart of his beautiful story of the Big-bang, but with a small point of nostalgia in the voice.  Some astronomers allow themselves to doubt his beautiful story, which is an assumption and which, like all the assumptions, is prone to be improved... No question of giving it up . If some astronomers think of it, they are surely bad astronomers... In short, follow my glance, they are similar to Halton Arp to some extent.  And, to add more weight to his words, he quotes the example of the Pope Jean-Paul II.  This last one would have declared one day that the Big-bang is, undoubtedly , a supreme confirmation of the existence of God.  Poor Mr Reeves, to take the Pope for a defender of astronomy... Jean-Paul II, at the time of one of his voyages in Poland, his native land, is accomodated by all the Academy of Torun, beautiful citadel city located on the Vistula  The Rector presents a letter to him asking for the discharge of Kopernik, condemned for his writings by Papacy,  more than 500 years ago... What do you think that it occurred?  Never the Vice-chancellor obtained answer on behalf of the Pope!!!  Never this last one intended to speak about Kopernik, without any doubt... Again a great amnesic. Just like Hubert Reeves who has without any doubt never heard  about the meteorites and the bolids by Flammarion... and even less of the transmutations with weak energy by Kervran... (and of their confirmation by a fundamental experiment of the C.N.R.S!)  and even less about the laying of the quasars by the galaxies observed with the telescope by Halton Arp....  I think that all these great Messrs suffer from a chromosomal disease that is  difficult to be healed.... .  Indeed, just like the super-powerful systems that are the galaxies, our powerful PEOPLE must have in the center of their brain a " black hole "...  HENCE their " lapseen of memory "... Every thing can  be explained!!!


5 References:Just for those who can manage with the French language!!!! 


The site of the National Library of France which allows the remote loading of old works.  In the banner page, you click on " Research "... then, in " author " you register " Flammarion Camille " and in " subject " you put " astronomy " Click on " rechercher " below ; in the posted list you take the n° 8 and click on the title...

You can read the admirable book by Flammarion Camille:  " Popular Astronomy.  General description of the sky " Take page 686 and you will have the most beautiful pages of this book:  " Let us arrive now at the fireballs and the aerolites.... ". 

2-Again in the site of the National Library, put simply the subject:  alchemy  then click on " rechercher ";in the list which is posted, I advise you: 

- n°2:  Introduction to the study of the chemistry of the old times... by M.Berthelot. 

- n°18:  Origin of alchemy... by M.Berthelot. 

- n°24: Alchemy and the alchemists... by Louis Figuier. 

3 -

This site is of an incredible richness , as well for the beginner in alchemy as for the senior researchers... to consult with patience... quite a lot of patience....


Abscon.  Christmas 2003.  Joseph Glapa. 

